Training and Awareness

Training and Awareness


The purpose describes the system for:

  1. Identifying training needs associated with the Organization’s BCMS.
  2. Planning and execution of the training program.
  3. Maintaining records of training so as to ensure that all persons performing tasks for it or behalf that have the potential to cause significant impact to the business processes or the continuity of business.


  1. This procedure applies to all activities, products and services of the Organization.


The HR Department (in collaboration with the Executive Management) is responsible for identification of the training needs required for effective implementation of the BCMS, ensure that persons performing tasks for the Organization or on its behalf whose work can create significant business continuity impacts, safety and/or affect product quality, are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience -associated records shall be retained by immediate manager.
The appointed HR Manager or his/her assigned Assistant is responsible for ensuring that all persons performing tasks for or on behalf of the Organization undergo training/have knowledge in general BCMS awareness.
The organisation BCM coordinator and business unit BCM coordinators are also responsible for performing and participating in risk review exercises. Other staff include business, technology and financial experts.


  1. Identification of Training Needs
  2. Types of Training
  3.  On-the-job Training
  4. Internal Training
  5. External Training
  6. Training Evaluation
  7. Contractors/ Part Time Staff


  1. Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)


  1. Competence, Training and Awareness
  2. HR Department Post Course Assessment (FORM A)
  3. HR Department Post Course Assessment (FORM B)
  4. BCM Training Policy
  5. Types of Training Courses
    • BCM Training
    • IT DRP Training
    • Specialized Training
    • Audit and Assurance
    • Crisis Management
    • Crisis Communication
      Register for BCM Institute Courses
  6. BCM and DR Books and Training Material
    • BCM Book Series
    • BCM Specialist Series
    • BCM Industry Guide Series
  7. 6.7 Seminars and Conference
    • World Continuity Congress
    • Meet-the-Experts


  1. 7.1 Description of records


  1. 8.1 Appendix I Flowchart for training Administration
  2. 8.2 APPENDIX II Staff Training Gap Analysis
    • BCM Competency List
    • 2016 Staff Competency Requirement [Upload 2016]
    • 2017 Staff Competency Requirement  [Upload 2017]
    • 2018 Staff Competency Requirement [Upload 2018]
  3. APPENDIX III Employee Training Plan
  4. APPENDIX IV Training Record
    1. 2016 APPENDIX IV Training Record 2016  [Upload 2016]
      2014 APPENDIX IV Training Record 2017  [Upload 2017]
      2013 APPENDIX IV Training Record 2018  [Upload 2018]
  5. APPENDIX V Training History,_Training_and_Awareness